Hi Andreas,
The problem is with the DTEDLayer. Due to the way that NGA used to
distribute level 2 data, the layer was changed to assume that dted
level 2 data ended with a .dt1 extension.
The beta on the website has changes to the DTEDFrameUtil class and
the DTEDFrameCache class that removes the hack previously implemented.
On Jun 7, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Andreas Yankopolus wrote:
> I'm attempting to view a DTED level 2 file using OpenMap 4.6.2 on
> OS X 10.4 but not meeting with any success. The DTED file works
> fine with OTB. It's located in /dted/w117/n35.dt2. /dted and
> everything below it are +rw for everyone.
> I dug through the mailing list archives and FAQ and tried a variety
> of parameter choices in my openmap.properties file. I'm hoping that
> someone notices something obvious that I've been missing.
> Thanks,
> Andreas
> Here's my openmap.properties file:
> #
> **********************************************************************
> #
> # <copyright>
> #
> # BBN Technologies
> # 10 Moulton Street
> # Cambridge, MA 02138
> # (617) 873-8000
> #
> # Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
> #
> # </copyright>
> #
> **********************************************************************
> #
> # $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/openmap.properties,v $
> # $RCSfile: openmap.properties,v $
> # $Revision: $
> # $Date: 2005/02/15 18:30:19 $
> # $Author: dietrick $
> #
> #
> **********************************************************************
> #
> #
> # This is a generic OpenMap properties file, which controls how
> # components are loaded into the OpenMap application. It specifies
> # the initial projection the map should have when OpenMap is started,
> # the layers that should be available, which ones should be turned on,
> # and lets you adjust all the layers' attributes for their startup
> # configuration. Most importantly, this file also lets you add and
> # remove different components from the application itself. You can
> # modify it with any text editor you like.
> #
> #
> # Java properties are a set of key=value pairs. The key is the name
> # of the thing you are setting, and the value is what you are setting
> # it to. There are a couple of things to look for that we do with key
> # values in this properties file.
> #
> # First, all the properties that can be set for a component are
> # *hopefully* listed in the Javadocs (Java API documentation). If a
> # component is specified as a com.bbn.openmap.PropertyConsumer, it
> # will be given a chance to configure itself based on the settings
> # within the properties file. Components can be layers or any other
> # part of the OpenMap application.
> #
> # Secondly, the keys are scoped to focus the value to a specific
> # instance of a components. If there are more that one layer of a
> # specific type (say, two ShapeLayers, one for roads and one for
> # rivers), the names of the keys will have a different prefix for the
> # key. For instance, ShapeLayers have a lineColor attribute you can
> # set in this file, and the value used is a hexadecimal value for an
> # ARGB color (transparency (A), red (R), green (G), blue (B)):
> #
> # For a red, non-transparent color for the line.
> # lineColor=FFFF0000
> #
> # But there are two layers - to scope the property for different
> # layers, a prefix must be added to the property, separated by a '.':
> #
> # roads.lineColor=FFFF0000
> # rivers.lineColor=FF0000FF
> #
> # In this case, the roads layer has a red line color and the rivers
> # layer has a blue line color. The prefix 'roads' and 'rivers' is
> # something picked to your liking and used only within this property
> # file, and is referred to in OpenMap documentation as a marker name.
> # Marker names are first used in a list - the openmap.layers property
> # is a perfect example:
> #
> # openmap.layers=first second third
> #
> # In this example, I've chosen first, second and third to be marker
> # names of three different layers. Later in the properties file, I
> # would use these marker names to define the layers and each layer's
> # attributes. For the 'first' layer, I'll define a ShapeLayer:
> #
> # # All layers require a class name that defines which one to use
> # first.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> #
> # # And a pretty name to use in the GUI
> # first.prettyName=Roads
> #
> # # Now come properties that are particular to ShapeLayers:
> #
> # # These first two are mandatory for the ShapeLayer:
> # first.shapeFile=<path to shape file (.shp)>
> # first.spatialIndex=<path to spatial index file (.ssx)>
> #
> # # These are optional, and override the defaults set in the
> ShapeLayer:
> # first.lineColor=FFFF0000
> # first.lineWidth=2
> #
> # You do this for each layer listed. To add a layer to the
> # application, you make up a marker name, add it to the list, and then
> # define a set of properties for it using the marker name as a prefix.
> #
> # This marker name list paradigm is used throughout the properties
> # file. It's an important concept to understand before modifying this
> # file.
> #
> #
> # OpenMap looks for this file in several different places. When it
> # finds one, it loads all the properties, and moves on. If two
> # properties have the same key, the last version read wins. The most
> # important place to keep a version of the openmap.properties file is
> # a personalized one in your home directory or profile directory.
> # This is the last one read. It also lets you personalize your
> # application setup and not affect anyone else using the OpenMap
> # installation.
> #
> # OK, lets define the map!
> #
> # ###################################################
> # These properties define the starting projection of the map.
> # These properties are listed in com.bbn.openmap.Environment.java,
> # and affect the initialization of the application.
> # ###################################################
> # Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
> openmap.Latitude=35.5f
> openmap.Longitude=-116.5f
> # Scale: zoom level (1:scale)
> openmap.Scale=2500000f
> # Projection type to start the map with. Use the class name of the
> # projection, such as com.bbn.openmap.proj.Mercator,
> # com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRG, com.bbn.openmap.proj.Orthgraphic,
> # com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXY or com.bbn.openmap.proj.Gnomonic
> openmap.Projection=com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRG
> # Width and Height of map, in pixels
> openmap.Width=640
> openmap.Height=480
> # Change this for a different title in the main window.
> openmap.Title=OpenMap(tm)
> # pixel X/Y window position (if values < 0, then center the window
> on the screen)
> openmap.x=-1
> openmap.y=-1
> # The background color of the map, in hex AARRGGBB values (AA is
> # transparency, RR, GG and BB are red, green and blue in hex values
> # between 00-FF (0-255)).
> openmap.BackgroundColor=FF89C5F9
> # Ironically, the "properties" property, which details where the
> # PropertyHandler is looking for its properties, won't work here.
> # ###################################################
> # These are miscellaneous variables for the OpenMap application.
> # ###################################################
> # How to launch a browser to display additional information.
> # Windows example: openmap.WebBrowser=C:\\program files\\internet
> explorer\\iexplore.exe
> openmap.WebBrowser=/usr/bin/netscape -install
> # Used for creating web pages for the browser
> openmap.TempDirectory=/tmp
> # Help web pages
> openmap.HelpURL=http://openmap.bbn.com/doc/user-guide.html
> # Use internal frames as an application - used to be
> gui.UseInternalFrames
> openmap.UseInternalFrames=false
> # OpenMap has a Debug messaging mechanism that lets you set certain
> # keywords as environment variables (-Ddebug.keyword) to enable
> # printouts from different objects. The code contains these keywords,
> # and by looking at a class's code, you can figure out what the
> # keywords are (look for Debug.message("keyword", "message") and 'if
> # (Debug.debugging("keyword")' statements). You can enable these
> # messages by putting those keywords in a space-separated list in this
> # property. If you don't want extra messages, you can ignore this
> # property and leave it empty.
> #openmap.Debug=
> # If you are interested in modifying OpenMap to display
> internationalized
> # strings (or to change the strings that are used in the
> application GIU),
> # These are the Debug flags that need to be set before the various
> components
> # start asking the BasicI18n class for the displayed strings. The
> 'i18n.create'
> # flag tells the BasicI8n class to track the strings in the locale
> set on the
> # machine (for I18N_language_COUNTRY.properties files), and the
> 'i18n.default'
> # flag tells the BasicI8n class to only track generic properties (for
> # I18N.properties files). To actually create the properties files,
> you have
> # to add the I18nFileCreateMenuItem to the application, look for
> that below.
> #openmap.Debug=i18n.create i18n.default
> # ###################################################
> # These properties define the general components to use in the
> # application, OTHER than layers. Notice the marker name list. You
> # can add and remove parts of the application here, simply by
> # adjusting this marker name list and adding properties for that
> # marker name. Note the order in which menu objects are important,
> # except helpMenu which is always adjusted to be the last menu item.
> #
> # If you want to remove components from the application, simply remove
> # the marker name from the openmap.components list. You don't have to
> # delete the class definition property, too. If you want to add a
> # component to the list, add the marker name to the openmap.components
> # list when you want it to be created and added relative to the other
> # components, and then add a 'marker name'.class property for that
> # component to this file.
> # ###################################################
> openmap.components=informationDelegator projFactoryLoader
> mouseDelegator projectionstack addlayer glc menulist toolBar
> navpanel zoompanel scalepanel projectionstacktool mouseModePanel
> deleteButton omdtl overviewMapHandler layersPanel selectMouseMode
> navMouseMode distanceMouseMode omdrawingtool omlineloader
> omcircleloader omrectloader ompointloader omsplineloader
> ompolyloader omscalingrasterloader omdistloader layerHandler
> projkeys repaintPolicy srl
> # ###
> # Applet components, also alternative component configuration
> # with OMControlPanel on the left side of the applet. To enable this
> # list, simply uncomment it.
> # ###
> #openmap.components=informationDelegator projFactoryLoader
> mouseDelegator projectionstack addlayer glc menulist toolBar
> mouseModePanel selectMouseMode navMouseMode distanceMouseMode omdtl
> deleteButton omdrawingtool omlineloader omcircleloader omrectloader
> ompointloader omsplineloader omdecsplineloader ompolyloader
> omscalingrasterloader omdistloader controlpanel layerHandler
> projkeys repaintPolicy srl
> # ###################################################
> # Menu configuration, defining the menu items listed in the
> # openmap.components list.
> menulist.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.MenuList
> menulist.menus=fileMenu controlMenu navigateMenu layersMenu
> gotoMenu helpMenu
> fileMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.FileMenu
> controlMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ControlMenu
> # To get the BasicI18n class to create the internationalization
> property
> # files after you have set the Debug statements described above,
> you can add this
> # toolMenu to the menulist.menus list above:
> toolMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.OMBasicMenu
> toolMenu.prettyName=Tools
> toolMenu.mnemonic=T
> toolMenu.items=i18ndump
> i18ndump.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.I18nFileCreateMenuItem
> ###
> # Adding a menu item to toggle on/off the OMControlPanel if it is
> # added to the openmap.components list.
> controlMenu.items=controlPanelToggle
> controlPanelToggle.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.ControlPanelToggleMe
> nuItem
> ###
> navigateMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.NavigateMenu
> layersMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayersMenu
> gotoMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.GoToMenu
> gotoMenu.addDefaults=true
> ### Add your own views to the GoToMenu
> #gotoMenu.views=Argentina India United_States
> #Argentina.latitude=-39.760445
> #Argentina.longitude=-65.92294
> #Argentina.name=Argentina
> #Argentina.projection=Mercator
> #Argentina.scale=5.0E7
> #India.latitude=20.895763
> #India.longitude=80.437485
> #India.name=India
> #India.projection=Mercator
> #India.scale=3.86688E7
> #United_States.latitude=38.82259
> #United_States.longitude=-96.74999
> #United_States.name=United States
> #United_States.projection=Mercator
> #United_States.scale=5.186114E7
> ###
> helpMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.DefaultHelpMenu
> helpMenu.items=helpUserMenuItem
> helpUserMenuItem.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.UserGuideMenuItems
> helpUserMenuItem.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.WebSiteHelpMenuItem
> # End menu item definitions
> # ###################################################
> # ###################################################
> # Defining the other components in the openmap.components list:
> deleteButton.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OMGraphicDeleteTool
> distanceMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.DistanceMouseMode
> dndCatcher.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.dnd.DefaultDnDCatcher
> dropSupport.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.dnd.DropListenerSupport
> glc.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader.GraphicLoaderConnector
> informationDelegator.class=com.bbn.openmap.InformationDelegator
> layerHandler.class=com.bbn.openmap.LayerHandler
> layersPanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayersPanel
> menuPanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.MenuPanel
> mouseDelegator.class=com.bbn.openmap.MouseDelegator
> mouseModePanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.MouseModeButtonPanel
> navMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.NavMouseMode2
> navpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.NavigatePanel
> nullMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.NullMouseMode
> omcircleloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMCircleLoader
> omdecsplineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDecoratedSplin
> eLoader
> omdistloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoader
> omdrawingtool.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDrawingTool
> omdtl.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDrawingToolLauncher
> omlineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMLineLoader
> ompointloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPointLoader
> ompolyloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPolyLoader
> omrectloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMRectLoader
> omscalingrasterloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMScalingRas
> terLoader
> omsplineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMSplineLoader
> projectionstack.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionStack
> projectionstacktool.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ProjectionStackTool
> scalepanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ScaleTextPanel
> selectMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.SelectMouseMode
> # ##
> # ToolPanel definitions for the first ToolPanel 'toolbar'
> toolBar.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ToolPanel
> # Tell the first ToolPanel to avoid putting the DrawingToolLayer GUI
> # in it:
> #toolBar.avoid=dtlayer
> # ToolPanel definitions for the second ToolPanel 'toolbar2'
> #toolBar2.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ToolPanel
> # Tell the second ToolPanel that you only want it to put the
> # DrawingToolLayer GUI in it:
> #toolBar2.components=dtlayer
> # You can set the location, but it interferes with the
> # InformationDelegator. Undefined, the ToolPanel goes North, but then
> # it interferes with the first ToolPanel.
> #toolBar2.preferredLocation=SOUTH
> # ###
> projFactoryLoader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionFactoryLoader
> projFactoryLoader.projectionLoaders=mercatorloader cadrgloader
> ortholoader llxyloader gnomonicloader
> projFactoryLoader.mercatorloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.MercatorLo
> ader
> projFactoryLoader.cadrgloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRGLoader
> projFactoryLoader.ortholoader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.OrthographicL
> oader
> projFactoryLoader.llxyloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXYLoader
> projFactoryLoader.gnomonicloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.GnomonicLo
> ader
> zoompanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ZoomPanel
> projkeys.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.ProjMapBeanKeyListener
> repaintPolicy.class=com.bbn.openmap.HintsMapBeanRepaintPolicy
> repaintPolicy.renderingHints=KEY_ANTIALIASING
> controlpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OMControlPanel
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewLayers=overviewLayer
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.isTool=false
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewScaleFactor=30f
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewMinScale=50000000f
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewStatusLayer=com.bbn.openmap.la
> yer.OverviewMapAreaLayer
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.lineColor=FFFF0000
> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.fillColor=33FF0000
> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayerControlButt
> onPanel
> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls.orientation=horizontal
> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls.configuration=NORTH
> # ###
> # BeanPanel properties - the BeanPanel isn't defined in the
> # openmap.components list above, you would add 'beanpanel' to that
> # list and uncomment these properties:
> # ###
> #beanpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.beanbox.BeanPanel
> #beanpanel.beans.path=path to directory containing jar files
> #beanpanel.tabs=tab1 tab2 tab3
> #beanpanel.tab1.name=Generic
> #beanpanel.tab1.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanObjec
> t
> #beanpanel.tab2.name=Container
> #beanpanel.tab2.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanConta
> iner
> #beanpanel.tab3.name=Military
> #beanpanel.tab3.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.Fighter
> # ###
> # SymbolReferenceLibrary properties - the SymbolReferenceLibrary
> # openmap.components list above, you would add 'srl' to that
> # list and uncomment these properties:
> # ###
> srl.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.symbology.milStd2525.SymbolReferenceLi
> brary
> # Uncomment the one that fits the dataset you are using
> #srl.imageMakerClass=com.bbn.openmap.tools.symbology.milStd2525.SVGSym
> bolImageMaker
> srl.imageMakerClass=com.bbn.openmap.tools.symbology.milStd2525.PNGSymb
> olImageMaker
> # Optional property:
> #srl.path= <path_to_svg_parent_directory if jar isn't used>
> # Defining the DTED frame cache. 'dtedframecache' needs to be added
> # to the openmap.components list, and the path to a dted directory
> # needs to be modified to fit your installation.
> dtedframecache.class=com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted.DTEDFrameCache
> dtedframecache.directoryHandlers=dted1
> dtedframecache.dted1.path=/dted
> # Defining a VPF VMAP level 0 tile cache. 'vpfcache' needs to be
> # added to the openmap.components list, and the path to your vmap
> level
> # 0 needs to be modified to fit your installation. In the VPFLayer
> # that uses this tile cache, the layer's libraryBean property would be
> # set to VMAPLEVEL0, the name of this cache.
> vpfcache.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.LibraryBean
> vpfcache.name=VMAPLEVEL0
> vpfcache.vpfPath=/data/vpf/vmaplv0/disk0;/data/vpf/vmaplv0/disk1
> # ###
> # Properties defined for the overview map handler.
> # ###
> overviewMapHandler.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OverviewMapHandler
> # marker name list defining background layers used on overview map.
> # The layers are defined as any other layer is below, look
> # for 'overviewLayer' properties. This is a space-separated list of
> # marker names.
> overviewMapHandler.overviewLayers=overviewLayer
> # how zoomed out to keep the overview map versus the main map
> overviewMapHandler.overviewScaleFactor=10f
> # when to stop zooming in
> overviewMapHandler.overviewMinScale=10000000f
> # the layer to use to render on top, showing where the main map
> covers.
> overviewMapHandler.overviewStatusLayer=com.bbn.openmap.layer.OverviewM
> apAreaLayer
> overviewMapHandler.lineColor=ffff0000
> overviewMapHandler.fillColor=66ff0000
> # ###
> # The AddLayerPanel allows certain layers/plugins to be added to the
> # application dynamically. Only certain layers/plugin have been
> # updated to be able to work with the Inspector to set their initial
> # parameters. The 'addlayer' marker name was added to the
> # openmap.components list, and this component looks for the
> # openmap.addableLayers property to figure out what layers to make
> # available for dynamic addition. To add a layer to this list, create
> # a unique marker name for a generic instance of the layer, and then
> # supply the <layername>.class field and <layername>.prettyName (see
> # below) for that object. The class name will be the type of
> # layer/plugin created by the LayerAddPanel, and this prettyName will
> # be the generic description of the layer presented to the user. The
> # user will have an opportunity to name the specific layer that gets
> # created.
> # Define the class for the component listed in the openmap.components
> # list:
> addlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayerAddPanel
> # Define a list of addable layers:
> openmap.addableLayers=earth shape grat utmgrid rpf shispi eipi wmsp
> epi
> # Define the properties of the addable layers:
> earth.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.EarthquakeLayer
> earth.prettyName=Earthquake Layer
> shape.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> shape.prettyName=Shape Layer
> grat.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.GraticuleLayer
> grat.prettyName=Graticule Layer
> utmgrid.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.UTMGridPlugIn
> utmgrid.prettyName=UTM Grid Overlay
> rpf.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfLayer
> rpf.prettyName=RPF Layer
> shispi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis.SHISPlugIn
> shispi.prettyName=Simple Http Image Server (SHIS) Plugin
> eipi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage.EarthImagePlugIn
> eipi.prettyName=Earth Image Plugin
> wmsp.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms.WMSPlugIn
> wmsp.prettyName=WMS Layer
> epi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri.EsriPlugIn
> epi.prettyName=Shape Layer with Attributes
> # End component definitions
> # ###################################################
> # ###################################################
> # These properties define the formatters the Simple Http
> # Image Server uses. The default formatter is the first one
> # in the list.
> # The layers property can be used to override the
> # openmap.startUpLayers property as the default layers.
> # ###################################################
> formatters=gif jpeg
> gif.class =com.bbn.openmap.image.AcmeGifFormatter
> jpeg.class=com.bbn.openmap.image.SunJPEGFormatter
> #layers=date drawing daynight graticule shapePolitical
> # ###################################################
> # You can refer to other properties files and have their properties
> # loaded as well. This is good for defining a set of layers that work
> # with a particular type of data, for instance, and then override some
> # of those properties defined in those files to localize them for your
> # setup. This works with a marker name list. By default, nothing
> defined.
> # ###################################################
> #openmap.include=include1 include2
> #include1.URL=< http://whatever >
> #include2.URL=< http://whatever >
> # ###################################################
> # Here is the list of layers to add to the map. The properties for
> # each marker name are defined later.
> #
> # If you want to remove a layer from the application, remove its
> # marker name from the openmap.layers property list. You do not have
> # to delete all of its properties as well.
> #
> # If you want to add a layer to the application, add its marker name
> # to the openmap.layers property list, and then add its properties to
> # this file. As a minimum, Layers all need a 'marker name'.class
> # property, and a 'marker name'.prettyName property (for the GUI
> # components). Consult the JavaDocs for a layer to see what other
> # properties can be set for that layer.
> # ###################################################
> # Layers listed here appear on the Map in the order of their names.
> openmap.layers=date dtlayer distlayer quake daynight cities test
> graticule demo shapePolitical jdted
> # If you get more data, you can add other layers defined in this file.
> # You'll want to look at the properties for each layer and modify them
> # as needed. Check the javadocs for definitions of the available
> # properties for each layer.
> #openmap.layers=date quake daynight test graticule terrain demo
> dtedcov jdted jrpf shapePolitical ScaledPolitical ScaledFillPolitical
> # These layers are turned on when the map is first started. Order
> # does not matter here...
> openmap.startUpLayers=graticule drawing shapePolitical jdted
> # ###################################################
> # These are the properties for individual layers. Consult the
> # javadocs (Java API pages) for the individual layers for options.
> # ###################################################
> ### Drawing version of the EditorLayer. An EditorLayer, when active,
> ### places tools in the ToolPanel that creates/manipulates the
> ### OMGraphics on this particular layer.
> dtlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.EditorLayer
> dtlayer.prettyName=Drawing Layer
> dtlayer.editor=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.DrawingEditorTool
> #dtlayer.showAttributes=false
> dtlayer.loaders=lines polys rects circles points
> dtlayer.mouseModes=Gestures
> dtlayer.distance.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoader
> dtlayer.lines.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMLineLoader
> dtlayer.polys.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPolyLoader
> dtlayer.rects.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMRectLoader
> dtlayer.circles.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMCircleLoader
> dtlayer.points.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPointLoader
> ### Another Drawing version of the EditorLayer, with the editor set up
> ### to only create OMDistance objects.
> distlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.EditorLayer
> distlayer.prettyName=Distance Layer
> distlayer.showAttributes=false
> distlayer.editor=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.DrawingEditorTool
> distlayer.loaders=distance
> distlayer.distance.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoade
> r
> distlayer.distance.attributesClass=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.DrawingA
> ttributes
> distlayer.distance.lineColor=FFAA0000
> distlayer.distance.mattingColor=66333333
> distlayer.distance.matted=true
> ### Layer to catch Drag and Drop events from the DefaultDnDCatcher and
> ### DropListenerSupport
> simpleBeanLayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanLayer
> simpleBeanLayer.prettyName=Simple Bean Layer
> ### Layer used by the overview handler
> overviewLayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> overviewLayer.prettyName=Overview
> overviewLayer.shapeFile=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp
> overviewLayer.spatialIndex=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx
> overviewLayer.lineColor=ff000000
> overviewLayer.fillColor=ffbdde83
> ###
> # Demo layer - the layer's palette has a bunch of buttons to call
> # the Drawing Tool.
> demo.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DemoLayer
> demo.prettyName=Demo
> ###
> # DrawingToolLayer - no palette, just a generic layer to catch
> # graphics from the OMDrawingToolLauncher, and to call the
> OMDrawingTool
> # to edit graphics already part of the layer.
> drawing.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DrawingToolLayer
> drawing.prettyName=Drawing Tool Layer
> drawing.addToBeanContext=true
> ### ShapeFile layers
> shapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> shapePolitical.prettyName=Political Boundaries
> # Specify shapefile and spatial-index file as a filename or pathname.
> # If the former, you must reference the directory where this file
> # lives in your CLASSPATH
> #shapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp
> #shapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx
> shapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/cntry02/cntry02.shp
> shapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/cntry02/cntry02.ssx
> # Colors (32bit ARGB)
> shapePolitical.lineColor=ff000000
> shapePolitical.fillColor=ffbdde83
> # ScaleFilterLayer switches between the layers at the transisition
> scales.
> ScaledPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.ScaleFilterLayer
> ScaledPolitical.prettyName=Political Boundaries
> # List 2 or more layers
> ScaledPolitical.layers=ThinShapePolitical ShapePolitical
> # List the transition scales to switch between layers
> ScaledPolitical.transitionScales=5000000
> # ScaleFilterLayer switches between the layers at the transisition
> scales.
> ScaledFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.ScaleFilterLayer
> ScaledFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Areas
> # List 2 or more layers
> ScaledFillPolitical.layers=ThinShapeFillPolitical ShapeFillPolitical
> # List the transition scales to switch between layers
> ScaledFillPolitical.transitionScales=5000000
> ### ShapeFile layer, full resolution converted vmap political
> boundaries
> ShapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> ShapePolitical.prettyName=Political Edge
> ShapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge.shp
> ShapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_edge.ssx
> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political boundaries
> ThinShapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> ThinShapePolitical.prettyName=Political Edge
> ThinShapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.shp
> ThinShapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.ssx
> ### ShapeFile layer, full resolution converted vmap political areas
> ShapeFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> ShapeFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Solid
> ShapeFillPolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area.shp
> ShapeFillPolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_area.ssx
> ShapeFillPolitical.lineColor=BDDE83
> ShapeFillPolitical.fillColor=BDDE83
> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political areas
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Solid
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.shp
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.ssx
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.lineColor=BDDE83
> ThinShapeFillPolitical.fillColor=BDDE83
> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political boundaries,
> # muiltiple shape files on one layer...
> politicalCombo.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.MultiShapeLayer
> politicalCombo.prettyName=Political Boundaries 2
> politicalCombo.shapeFileList=pol_edges pol_fill
> politicalCombo.pol_edges.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.shp
> politicalCombo.pol_edges.prettyName=Borders
> politicalCombo.pol_edges.buffered=false
> politicalCombo.pol_fill.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.shp
> politicalCombo.pol_fill.prettyName=Areas
> politicalCombo.pol_fill.lineColor=FFAAAA66
> politicalCombo.pol_fill.fillColor=FFAAAA66
> politicalCombo.pol_fill.buffered=false
> ### Graticule layer
> graticule.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.GraticuleLayer
> graticule.prettyName=Graticule
> # Show lat / lon spacing labels
> graticule.showRuler=true
> graticule.show1And5Lines=true
> # Controls when the five degree lines and one degree lines kick in
> #- when there is less than the threshold of ten degree lat or lon
> #lines, five degree lines are drawn. The same relationship is there
> #for one to five degree lines.
> graticule.threshold=2
> # the color of 10 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
> graticule.10DegreeColor=99000000
> # the color of 5 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
> graticule.5DegreeColor=99009900
> # the color of 1 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
> graticule.1DegreeColor=99003300
> # the color of the equator (ARGB)
> graticule.equatorColor=99FF0000
> # the color of the international dateline (ARGB)
> graticule.dateLineColor=99000000
> # the color of the special lines (ARGB)
> graticule.specialLineColor=99000000
> # the color of the labels (ARGB)
> graticule.textColor=99000000
> ### Date & Time layer
> date.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DateLayer
> date.prettyName=Date & Time
> # display font as a Java font string
> date.font=SansSerif-Bold
> # like XWindows geometry: [+-]X[+-]Y, `+' indicates relative to
> # left edge or top edges, `-' indicates relative to right or bottom
> # edges, XX is x coordinate, YY is y coordinate
> date.geometry=+20+30
> # background rectangle color ARGB
> date.color.bg=ff808080
> # foreground text color ARGB
> date.color.fg=ff000000
> # date format (using java.text.SimpleDateFormat patterns)
> date.date.format=EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z
> ### Day/Night shading layer properties
> daynight.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight.DayNightLayer
> daynight.prettyName=Day/Night Shading
> # draw terminator as poly (faster calculation than image, defaults to
> # true).
> daynight.doPolyTerminator=true
> # number of vertices for polygon terminator line. this is only valid
> # if doPolyTerminator is true...
> daynight.terminatorVerts=512
> # termFade - the distance of the transition of fade, as a
> percentage of PI.
> daynight.termFade=.1
> # currentTime - true to display the shading at the computer's
> current time.
> daynight.currentTime=true
> # updateInterval - time in milliseconds between updates.
> currentTime has to be
> # true for this to be used. 1000*60*5 = 300000 = 5min updates
> daynight.updateInterval=300000
> # Shading Colors (32bit ARGB)
> daynight.nighttimeColor=64000000
> daynight.daytimeColor=00FFFFFF
> ### Earthquake layer
> quake.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.EarthquakeLayer
> quake.prettyName=Recent Earthquakes
> ### Test layer
> test.prettyName=Test
> test.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.test.TestLayer
> test.line.visible=true
> test.circ.visible=true
> test.rect.visible=true
> test.text.visible=true
> test.poly.visible=true
> #test.poly.vertices=80 -180 80 -90 80 0 80 90 80 180 70 180 70 90
> 70 0 70 -90 70 -180
> ### VMAP Political layer - Run the com.bbn.openmap.
> --
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Received on Fri Jun 17 2005 - 13:37:15 EDT