We've had to deal with this as well in the past. Here are a few things
you can try::
1.) Set the render policy of especially any layers that draw lots of
lines (like the VPF layer) to BufferedImageRenderPolicy
(This has a huge impact on the X Server performance.)
2.) try changing these settings:
setenv J2D_PIXMAPS server|shared
java -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false|trure
3.) Create a timer that calls repaint on the layers every n seconds
rather than repainting every time there is a change.
4.) Create an image buffer (an extension of buffered map bean) that
paints all layers that don't change except during projection changes.
5.) Track the dirty region of the map and call repaint specifying the
dirty rectangle.
Hope that helps!
King, Sean wrote:
> I have recently have taken over some map development for a project
> that keeps track of objects moving around on a map. There are
> multiple dynamic layers that need to be updated continuously (say once
> a second) on a detailed terrain. Currently the layers are being
> repainted every second. This appears work fine in Windows but in
> Linux I am experiencing the high levels of CPU usage on the X Server
> process which make map functionality slow. It seems the cause of the
> high level of X usage is because of the repaints to the
> OMGraphicHandlerLayers. Zooming in and out on the map also causes
> high CPU usage w/ the X server but I am sure this stems from the same
> repaint problems. Zooming in the OpenMap demo doesn't cause high CPU
> usage so I am sure the fault lies w/in our code.
> My question is, has anybody experience similar problems in Linux
> before and does anybody have some insight on how to fix this problem?
> Currently, all the layers are calling repaint(). Should I just call
> repaint(x,y,h,w) on the moving objects w/in the layer.
> Sean King
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Received on Tue Jun 28 2005 - 13:11:48 EDT