Re: [OpenMap Users] Layer Palette

From: Don Dietrick <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 07:36:10 -0400

Hi Mariusz,

The getPalette() command returns the Container that the GUI
information gets displayed in, and can be rather transient. The
better method to use for this is getGUI(), which retrieves the stuff
in the window. If that method returns null, then there is nothing to

- Don

On Jun 3, 2005, at 5:41 PM, Mariusz Chmielewski wrote:

> I created a JTree component for viewing layers - extending the
> LayerPanel but i have some problems managing the data concerning
> the Layer Properties Panel - the layer palette - I would like to
> show popup menu with showAttributes item enabled if there is a
> palette for layer or disapled if there isn't. When i call
> Container a = ((Layer) node.getUserObject()).getPalette();
> a is always null even if the layer has got the palette. Is there a
> way to determine if the layer has got a palette??
> Mchmiel
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Received on Tue Jul 05 2005 - 07:36:56 EDT

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