Hi Piotr,
Wow, this is great.
On Mar 29, 2006, at 9:34 AM, Piotr KamiĆski wrote:
> Hi Don,
> Finally I am able to send you our OpenGIS WMS implementation.
> Enclosed you can find zip file comprising of:
> - wmsservlet directory - should be placed in openmap/src - it
> contains servlet code. We found it more stable to use servlet
> container instead of SimpleHTTPServer. Our servlet was deployed and
> tested with Tomcat and MapBuilder as a client.
Perfect. (I should add more documentation to SimpleHTTPImageServer to
make it more clear that it is incapable of handing any kind of
intense client load, and was only intended to test MapRequestHandler).
> - wms package - contains all new classes implementing WMS. Package
> is used by servlet. If you want to run WMS using SimpleHTTPServer
> you can use MapServer class.
> - 'http' and 'image' - a few changes were required here.
Thanks for the info.
> The code is not very clear, you can find classes with polish
> comments or without them :-(. Sorry.
That's OK, I'll use a translator.
> Please feel free to make any modifications. One thing that
> definitely must be fixed is projection handling.
> Now only one is used. Other projections require different handling
> BBOX parameters, we didn't make it yet.
Yes, it's a hard problem. Hopefully 4.7 will make this easier, I'm
still working out OMGraphic double-float details before I make the
beta available. 4.6.4 will come out first, I'm still working on
integrating your previous package with my 4.7/4.6.3 code base.
Thanks again,
- Don
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Received on Wed Mar 29 2006 - 10:58:34 EST