Hi all !
Here is my problem.
I have some PluginLayer in my property file (WMSPlugIn)
I would like them not to be displayed nor loaded when the
program is launched.
So I have two lines in my properties :
>openmap.layers=WMSFPopTrans WMSFHydro shapePolitical
At startup, my two first layers are'nt visible, it's OK, but
when I turn them on, although the loading work's well done,
the layers don't appear.
One way I tried is to set them invisible in my main program. I
search for my layer then
At startup, my two first layers are'nt visible, it's OK, but
the loading work is done (getRectangle) and dramatically slows
down the program performances. What can I do ?? I'm using
OpenMap 4.6.3
Thanx in advance
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