Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyHandler
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. Provides the basic OpenMap applet and application classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 

Uses of PropertyHandler in com.bbn.openmap

Fields in com.bbn.openmap declared as PropertyHandler
protected  PropertyHandler LayerHandler.propertyHandler
          This handle is only here to keep it appraised of layer prefix names.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap that return PropertyHandler
          Build the property handler.
 PropertyHandler LayerHandler.getPropertyHandler()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap with parameters of type PropertyHandler
protected static void PropertyHandler.printComponentProperties(java.util.Vector components, PropertyHandler ph, ps, java.util.Properties createdProperties)
          A helper function to createOpenMapProperties that gets the current properties of the given components and prints them out to the PrintStream and the provided Properties object.
protected static void PropertyHandler.printLayerProperties(LayerHandler layerHandler, PropertyHandler ph, ps, java.util.Properties createdProperties)
          A helper function to createOpenMapProperties that gets the current properties of the layers in the LayerHandler and prints them out to the PrintStream and the provided Properties object.
 void LayerHandler.setPropertyHandler(PropertyHandler ph)

Uses of PropertyHandler in

Methods in that return PropertyHandler
static PropertyHandler OpenMap.configurePropertyHandler(java.lang.String propertiesFile)
          Given a path to a properties file, try to configure a PropertyHandler with it.
static PropertyHandler Main.configurePropertyHandler(java.lang.String propertiesFile)
          Given a path to a properties file, try to configure a PropertyHandler with it.

Methods in with parameters of type PropertyHandler
protected  void TimeFrameApp.configureMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          A method that lets you control what gets added to the application programmatically.
protected  void OpenMap.configureMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
protected  void Main.configureMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)

Constructors in with parameters of type PropertyHandler
Main(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          Create a new OpenMap framework object - creates a MapPanel, OpenMapFrame, and brings up the layer palettes that are being told to be open at startup.
OpenMap(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          Create a new OpenMap framework object - creates a MapPanel, OpenMapFrame, and brings up the layer palettes that are being told to be open at startup.
TimeFrameApp(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)

Uses of PropertyHandler in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui declared as PropertyHandler
protected  PropertyHandler LayerAddPanel.propertyHandler
          Holds the PropertyHandler.
protected  PropertyHandler BasicMapPanel.propertyHandler

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui that return PropertyHandler
 PropertyHandler BasicMapPanel.getPropertyHandler()
          Get the PropertyHandler containing properties used to configure the panel, creating it if it doesn't exist.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type PropertyHandler
 void BasicMapPanel.setPropertyHandler(PropertyHandler handler)
          Set the PropertyHandler containing the properties used to configure this panel.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type PropertyHandler
BasicMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          Create a MapPanel that configures itself with the properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided.
BasicMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler, boolean delayCreation)
          Create a MapPanel that configures itself with properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided, and with the option of delaying the search for properties until the create() call is made.
DockMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          Create a MapPanel that configures itself with the properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided.
DockMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler, boolean delayCreation)
          Create a MapPanel that configures itself with properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided, and with the option of delaying the search for properties until the create() call is made.
LayerAddPanel(PropertyHandler p, LayerHandler l)
          Creates the LayerPanel.
OverlayMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler)
          Create a OverlayMapPanel that configures itself with the properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided.
OverlayMapPanel(PropertyHandler propertyHandler, boolean delayCreation)
          Create a OverlayMapPanel that configures itself with properties contained in the PropertyHandler provided, and with the option of delaying the search for properties until the create() call is made.

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