Uses of Interface

Packages that use UndoEvent
com.bbn.openmap.event Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean. This package contains OpenMap Swing GUI components that can be used in menus. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 

Uses of UndoEvent in com.bbn.openmap.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.event declared as UndoEvent
protected  UndoEvent UndoStack.currentState
          The notion of the current state is important.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.event with type parameters of type UndoEvent
protected  java.util.Stack<UndoEvent> UndoStack.redoStack
protected  java.util.Stack<UndoEvent> UndoStack.undoStack

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event that return UndoEvent
protected  UndoEvent UndoStack.getWhatWillHappenNextFromStack(java.util.Stack<UndoEvent> stack)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type UndoEvent
 void UndoStackSupport.fireStackStatus(UndoEvent undoEvent, UndoEvent redoEvent)
          Send a status to all registered triggers.
protected  void UndoStack.rememberLastThing(UndoEvent event)
          Put a new UndoEvent on the backStack, to remember for later in case we need to back up.
 void UndoStack.setTheWayThingsAre(UndoEvent event)
          Sets the current state of some object on the stack.
 void UndoStackTrigger.updateUndoStackStatus(UndoEvent undoEvent, UndoEvent redoEvent)
          To receive a status to let the trigger know if any projections in the forward or backward stacks exist, possibly to disable any gui widgets.

Method parameters in com.bbn.openmap.event with type arguments of type UndoEvent
protected  UndoEvent UndoStack.getWhatWillHappenNextFromStack(java.util.Stack<UndoEvent> stack)

Uses of UndoEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type UndoEvent
 void UndoMenuItemStackTrigger.updateUndoStackStatus(UndoEvent undoEvent, UndoEvent redoEvent)

Uses of UndoEvent in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that implement UndoEvent
static class EditableOMGraphic.OMGraphicUndoEvent
          Generic undo event for basic OMGraphics.
static class EditableOMPoly.OMPolyUndoEvent
          Subclass for undoing edits for OMPoly classes, handles enclose/unenclose events.
static class EditableOMRangeRings.OMRangeRingUndoEvent
          Subclass for undoing edits for OMRangeRing classes, handles events that may affect the extra GUI widgets.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that return UndoEvent
protected  UndoEvent EditableOMRangeRings.createUndoEventForCurrentState(java.lang.String whatHappened)
          Create an UndoEvent that can get an OMRangeRing back to what it looks like right now.
protected  UndoEvent EditableOMPoly.createUndoEventForCurrentState(java.lang.String whatHappened)
          Create an UndoEvent that can get an OMPoly back to what it looks like right now.
protected  UndoEvent EditableOMGraphic.createUndoEventForCurrentState(java.lang.String whatHappened)
          This method should be overwritten for each EditableOMGraphic to save the state of the current OMGraphic, in case the user wants to revert to this state.

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