Package com.bbn.openmap.event

Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean.


Interface Summary
CenterListener Listens for requests to recenter the map.
InfoDisplayListener Listens for requests to display information.
LayerConfigurationListener A LayerConfigurationListener is a component that receives LayerEvents from the LayerHandler before changes are implemented, so conditions can be implemented to the layer list.
LayerListener Listens for requests to add, remove, or shuffle layers of the map.
LayerStatusListener Listens for the computational status of layers.
MapMouseListener The MapMouseListener interface is for use by a layer interested in getting mouse events when the mouse cursor is over the MapBean.
MapMouseMode Interface for handling mouse behavior while the mouse is operating over the MapBean.
OMEventHandler An OMEventHandler manages OMEvents, creating them from TemporalRecords.
OMEventMacroFilter A macro filter knows how to take a Collection of objects and return a list of them that pass its filters.
PaintListener A PaintListener is an object that wants to know when another object is painted with a java.awt.Graphics object.
PanListener Listens for requests to pan the map.
ProgressListener Listens for ProgressEvents from something doing some work.
ProjectionListener Interface for listening to ProjectionEvents.
UndoEvent An UndoEvent is an object that contains everything needed to reset its source back to a specific state.
UndoStackTrigger Provides Stack input by firing UndoCmd and RedoCmd commands, which cause updates to whatever component described by the UndoEvent.
ZoomListener Listens for requests to zoom the map in and out.

Class Summary
AbstractMouseMode Base class of the MouseModes.
AzimuthPanner AzPanner is an abstract class that handles panning effects for Azimuth projections.
BasicLayerConfigurationListener A LayerToggleConfigurationListener is a LayerConfigurationListener implementation that demonstrates how to create a component that might make adjustments to a List of layers being changed in a LayerHandler, before the changes hit the map.
CenterEvent An event to request the map should recenter to a new latitude and longitude.
CenterSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling CenterListeners and firing CenterEvents You can use an instance of this class as a member field of your bean and delegate work to it.
CoordMouseMode The CoordMouseMode is an abstract MouseMode extension to AbstractMouseMode that can be used for Modes that want to use the BeanContext to hook up with the InformationDelegator, and to send coordinate updates to be displayed in the infoline.
DefaultOverviewMouseMode A MouseMode that handles drawing a box, or clicking on a point, but directs the updates to the ControlledMapSupport of the overview map handler, instead of the overview MapBean, which would have been the normal behavior.
DistanceMouseMode This mouse mode draws a rubberband line and circle between each mouse click as the mouse is moved and displays the cumulative distance in nautical miles (nm), kilometers (km), statute miles (miles) and the azimuth angle in decimal degrees from north on the status bar.
InfoDisplayEvent An event to request that information be displayed.
LayerConfigurationListenerSupport ListenerSupport for the LayerHandler to use for managing LayerConfigurationListeners.
LayerEvent An event to request that layers be added, removed, or shuffled around.
LayerStatusEvent An event to describe the computational status of a Layer.
LayerSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling LayerListeners and firing LayerEvents.
ListenerSupport<E> This is an utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling listeners and firing events.
MapMouseAdapter Basic implementation of the MapMouseListener interface provided as a convenience.
MapMouseEvent MouseEvent extension and wrapper that provides the additional capability to get a lat/lon translation for the x,y location for the MouseEvent if the source is a MapBean, and also to get a handle to the MapMouseMode that is currently active and distributing the MouseEvents.
MapMouseSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling MapMouseListeners and firing MapMouseEvents.
NavMouseMode The Navigation Mouse Mode interprets mouse clicks and mouse drags to recenter and rescale the map.
NavMouseMode2 The Navigation Mouse Mode interprets mouse clicks and mouse drags to recenter and rescale the map.
NullMouseMode The NullMouseMode takes no action on mouse events and does not keep a list of map mouse listeners.
OMEvent An OMEvent represents an event that occurs at a certain time.
OMEventHandlerAdapter OMEventHandler subclasses look for the things that create OMEvents.
OMMouseMode OMMouseMode is a combination of the PanMouseMode, NavMouseMode and SelectMouseMode.
PaintListenerSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling PaintListeners and calling the PaintListener.paint() method.
PanEvent An event to request the map to pan.
PanMouseMode PanMouseMode it is a class for Pan operation on the visible map.
PanSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling PanListeners and firing PanEvents.
ProgressEvent An event that provides information on progress on a certain task.
ProgressSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling ProgressListeners and firing ProgressEvents.
ProjectionEvent An event with an updated MapBean projection.
ProjectionSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling ProjectionListeners and firing ProjectionEvents.
ProjMapBeanKeyListener The ProjMapBeanKeyListener is a KeyListener that gets events when the MapBean has focus, and responds to certain keys by changing the projection.
RangeRingsMouseMode Mouse mode for drawing temporary range rings on a map bean.
The whole map bean is repainted each time the range rings needs to be repainted.
SelectMouseMode The SelectMouseMode delegates handling of mouse events to the listeners.
UndoStack Provides a stack of actions that can be undone/redone.
UndoStackSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for notifying gui components that undo/redo actions are available.
ZoomEvent An event to request that the map zoom in or out.
ZoomMouseMode This mouse mode responds to a double click with an animation effect of zooming in the map.
ZoomSupport This is a utility class that can be used by beans that need support for handling ZoomListeners and firing ZoomEvents.

Exception Summary
ProjectionChangeVetoException An exception used by PropertyChangeListeners on the MapBean to veto a projection change on the MapBean.

Package com.bbn.openmap.event Description

Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean.

Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC; See for details