Re: [OpenMap Users] Slowee computers have drawnings hidden by map overlay

From: Bart Jourquin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 17:55:41 +0100
I wonder if this is related to some queing problems I had to cope with some weeks ago: some layers need more time to be initialized than others and I've observed some strange behaviours in the layer pane... It seems that the latest cvs code fixes it Maybe you could give it a try...


Steve Frierdich wrote:
I am running openmaps on a 750 MHz computer. When I run smple example in openmaps, the example that uses the route layer class to draw lines, the lines that are drawn are hidden by the map overlay. If I run the same example on a 1.6 GHz computer the lines are not hidden by the map overlay. Does anyone know how to fix the problem so the so the lines are not hidden on the slower computer?

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