Re: [OpenMap Users] Considerations for client / server data

From: Hannes van der Wal <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 10:01:01 +0100 (BST)

Hi all,
Thanks for your replies. I think the link layer is the best solution for me to work with. However I have some problems running the layer. I'm sorry to trouble you again, but for some reason the layer doesn't do anything (I've been debugging the application, but the parser never reaches the layer code). The shape file is correct, if I choose to display the file in a shape layer it shows up. I've looked into the faq for solutions but came up with none. I think I have a flaw in my properties file
I've included the properties file for both client and server.
app parms for shapeserver starter: e:/data/esri/POLBND_region.shp e:/data/esri/POLBND_region.ssx -port 666
openmap properties (server side)
# Link Layer
linklayer.prettyName=Link Layer
# port number of server
# host name of server
# URL of properties file for server attributes. Properties
# contained in this file are passed directly to the server to provide
# additional information to the server about how to provide the
# graphics. Some standard properties are listed in the
# LinkPropertiesConstants file, but any property can be passed to the
# server. How the server handles the property depends on the server,
# but non-applicable properties are ignored.
properties (client side)
lineColor=ff000000 fillColor=ff0CBD00 lineWidth=1

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