Uses of Interface

Packages that use ZoomListener
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 

Uses of ZoomListener in com.bbn.openmap

Classes in com.bbn.openmap that implement ZoomListener
 class BufferedLayerMapBean
          The BufferedLayerMapBean is a BufferedMapBean with an additional image buffer that holds Layers designated as background layers.
 class BufferedMapBean
          The BufferedMapBean extends the MapBean by adding (you guessed it) buffering.
 class MapBean
          The MapBean is the main component of the OpenMap Development Kit.

Uses of ZoomListener in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type ZoomListener
 void ZoomPanel.addZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)
          Add a ZoomListener from the listener list.
 void ScaleTextPanel.addZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)
          Add a ZoomListener to the listener list.
 void NavigateMenu.addZoomListener(ZoomListener l)
 void EmbeddedNavPanel.addZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)
 void ZoomPanel.removeZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)
          Remove a ZoomListener from the listener list.
 void ScaleTextPanel.removeZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)
          Remove a ZoomListener from the listener list.
 void NavigateMenu.removeZoomListener(ZoomListener l)
 void EmbeddedNavPanel.removeZoomListener(ZoomListener listener)

Uses of ZoomListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer that implement ZoomListener
 class BufferedLayer.BLMapBean
          An simple extension of the BufferedMapBean that calls a layer, presumably its parent, to call repaint().

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