Uses of Class

Packages that use LayerHandler
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.image This package has classes that provide image creation and manipulation capabilities. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader PlugIn package is designed to provide support for GraphicLoaders, which in turn are objects that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap

Methods in com.bbn.openmap with parameters of type LayerHandler
protected static void PropertyHandler.printLayerProperties(LayerHandler layerHandler, PropertyHandler ph, ps, java.util.Properties createdProperties)
          A helper function to createOpenMapProperties that gets the current properties of the layers in the LayerHandler and prints them out to the PrintStream and the provided Properties object.

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile declared as LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler MapTileMakerComponent.layerHandler

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui declared as LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler LayersPanel.layerHandler
          The LayerHandler to listen to for LayerEvents, and also to notify if the layer order should change.
protected  LayerHandler LayersMenu.layerHandler
          The LayerHandler to listen to for layers available for the map.
protected  LayerHandler LayerPane.layerHandler
protected  LayerHandler LayerAddPanel.layerHandler
          Holds the LayerHandler.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui that return LayerHandler
 LayerHandler LayersPanel.getLayerHandler()
          Get the LayerHandler that the LayersPanel listens to and uses to reorder layers.
 LayerHandler LayersMenu.getLayerHandler()
          Get the LayerHandler that the LayersPanel listens to.
protected  LayerHandler LayerPane.getLayerHandler()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type LayerHandler
protected  LayerPane LayersPanel.createLayerPaneForLayer(Layer layer, LayerHandler layerHandler, javax.swing.ButtonGroup bg)
          Called when a new LayerPane needs to be created for a layer.
 void LayersPanel.setLayerHandler(LayerHandler lh)
          Set the LayerHandler that the LayersPanel listens to.
 void LayersMenu.setLayerHandler(LayerHandler lh)
          Set the LayerHandler that the LayersPanel listens to.
 void LayerPane.setLayerHandler(LayerHandler in_layerHandler)
protected  void LayersPanel.updateLayerPanes(LayerHandler layerHandler)
          Set the LayerPanes with the given LayerHandler.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type LayerHandler
LayerAddPanel(PropertyHandler p, LayerHandler l)
          Creates the LayerPanel.
LayerPane(Layer layer, LayerHandler layerHandler, javax.swing.ButtonGroup bg)
LayersMenu(LayerHandler lHandler)
          Construct LayersMenu.
LayersMenu(LayerHandler lHandler, java.lang.String menuName, int menuType)
          Construct LayersMenu.
LayersPanel(LayerHandler lHandler)
          Construct the LayersPanel.
LayersPanel(LayerHandler lHandler, boolean addLayerControls)
          Construct the LayersPanel.
LayerStatusPane(Layer layer, LayerHandler layerHandler, javax.swing.ButtonGroup bg)

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.image

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.image declared as LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler MagicPlanetImageComponent.layerHandler

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image that return LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler MagicPlanetImageComponent.getLayerHandler()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image with parameters of type LayerHandler
protected  void MagicPlanetImageComponent.setLayerHandler(LayerHandler lh)
          Set the LayerHandler, become a LayerListener object to it to know when the layers on the MapBean change.

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.image.wms

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image.wms that return LayerHandler
 LayerHandler DynamicWmsRequestHandler.getLayerHandler()
          return - calls layer handler

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.image.wms with parameters of type LayerHandler
DynamicWmsRequestHandler(java.lang.String scheme, java.lang.String hostName, int port, java.lang.String path, java.util.Properties props, LayerHandler mapLayerHandler)

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf declared as LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler VPFConfig.layerHandler

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type LayerHandler
static void VPFConfig.createLayer(LibraryBean libraryBean, LayerHandler layerHandler, java.lang.String layerName)
static void VPFConfig.createLayer(java.lang.String[] vpfPaths, LayerHandler layerHandler, java.lang.String layerName)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type LayerHandler
VPFConfig(LibraryBean lb, LayerHandler layerHandler, java.lang.String layerName)
VPFConfig(java.lang.String[] dataPaths, LayerHandler layerHandler, java.lang.String layerName)
VPFConfig(java.lang.String[] dataPaths, LayerHandler layerHandler, java.lang.String layerName, boolean standAlone)

Uses of LayerHandler in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader declared as LayerHandler
protected  LayerHandler GraphicLoaderConnector.layerHandler

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader that return LayerHandler
 LayerHandler GraphicLoaderConnector.getLayerHandler()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader with parameters of type LayerHandler
 void GraphicLoaderConnector.setLayerHandler(LayerHandler lh)
          Set the LayerHandler to be notified with any new PlugIn layers containing the new GraphicLoaderPlugIns.

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