Uses of Class

Packages that use MapBean
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.event Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.gui.event This package contains OpenMap Swing GUI components that can be used in menus. 
com.bbn.openmap.image This package has classes that provide image creation and manipulation capabilities. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 
com.bbn.openmap.proj Provides projection classes. This package contains classes to support Java Drag and Drop functionality on the map. 

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap

Subclasses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap
 class BufferedLayerMapBean
          The BufferedLayerMapBean is a BufferedMapBean with an additional image buffer that holds Layers designated as background layers.
 class BufferedMapBean
          The BufferedMapBean extends the MapBean by adding (you guessed it) buffering.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean
          The MapBean.
protected  MapBean

Methods in com.bbn.openmap that return MapBean
 MapBean StandardMapBeanRepaintPolicy.getMap()
 MapBean MouseDelegator.getMap()
          Get the associated MapBean.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap with parameters of type MapBean
protected static void PropertyHandler.printMapProperties(MapBean mapBean, ps, java.util.Properties createdProperties)
          A helper function to createOpenMapProperties that gets the current properties of the MapBean and prints them out to the PrintStream and the provided Properties object.
 void StandardMapBeanRepaintPolicy.setMap(MapBean mb)
 void MouseDelegator.setMap(MapBean mapbean)
          Set the associated MapBean.
 void MapBeanRepaintPolicy.setMap(MapBean mb)
          Set the MapBean to call repaint on when a layer requests it.
 void InformationDelegator.setMap(MapBean map)
          Set the MapBean so that when the mouse mode changes, the cursor can change.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap with parameters of type MapBean
HintsMapBeanRepaintPolicy(MapBean mb)
MouseDelegator(MapBean map)
          Construct a MouseDelegator with an associated MapBean.
StandardMapBeanRepaintPolicy(MapBean mb)

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.event declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean MapBeanKeyListener.mapBean
protected  MapBean ZoomMouseMode.theMap

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event that return MapBean
 MapBean MapMouseEvent.getMap()
 MapBean MapBeanKeyListener.getMapBean()
protected  MapBean DistanceMouseMode.getMapBean()
          Return the map bean.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type MapBean
 void AbstractMouseMode.MouseWheelTimerListener.addAmount(MapBean map, float amount)
protected  java.awt.Point NavMouseMode.getRatioPoint(MapBean map, java.awt.Point pt1, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Given a MapBean, which provides the projection, and the starting point of a box (pt1), look at pt2 to see if it represents the ratio of the projection map size.
protected  java.awt.Point DefaultOverviewMouseMode.getRatioPoint(MapBean map, java.awt.Point pt1, java.awt.Point pt2)
          Get the projection of the source map and the starting point of a box (pt1), look at pt2 to see if it represents the ratio of the projection map size.
abstract  void AzimuthPanner.handlePan(MapBean map, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
 void AzimuthPanner.Standard.handlePan(MapBean mapBean, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
 void AzimuthPanner.Shapefile.handlePan(MapBean mapBean, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me)
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintCircle(Geo originGeo, double distance, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints a unique circle centered on origin and which crosses dest on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintLabel(Geo originGeo, double distance, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints a label for the circle drawn using dest on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintOrigin(java.awt.geom.Point2D llp, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints the origin point of the range rings and its label on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintOriginLabel(java.awt.geom.Point2D originPnt, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints the origin label of the range rings on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintOriginPoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D originPnt, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints the origin point of the range rings on the given Graphics.
protected  void RangeRingsMouseMode.paintRangeRings(java.awt.geom.Point2D originPnt, java.awt.geom.Point2D dest, java.awt.Graphics graphics, MapBean theMap)
          Paints the circles and their labels on the given Graphics.
 void ProjMapBeanKeyListener.setMapBean(MapBean map)
          In addition to the super.setMapBean() method, also sets the MapBean as a zoom and pan listener.
 void MapBeanKeyListener.setMapBean(MapBean map)
protected  void DistanceMouseMode.setMapBean(MapBean aMap)
          Set the map bean.
 void AbstractMouseMode.updateMouseWheelMoved(MapBean mb, float value)
          Invoked from the MouseWheelListener interface.
 void ProjectionChangeVetoException.updateWithParameters(MapBean mapBean)
          A helper function for the MapBean.

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean
          The map of the overview panel.
protected  MapBean
          The MapBean.
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean EmbeddedScaleDisplayPanel.mapBean
protected  MapBean BasicMapPanel.mapBean
protected  MapBean OverviewMapHandler.sourceMap
          The source MapBean to show the overview of.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui that return MapBean
static MapBean BasicMapPanel.createMapBean()
          A static method that creates a MapBean with it's projection set to the values set in the Environment.
static MapBean BasicMapPanel.createMapBean(Projection proj, javax.swing.border.Border border)
          A static method that creates a MapBean and sets its projection and border to the values given.
 MapBean StatusLightPanel.getMap()
 MapBean OverviewMapHandler.getMap()
          Get the overview MapBean.
 MapBean MapWindow.getMap()
          Get the map.
 MapBean GoToMenu.getMap()
 MapBean EmbeddedNavPanel.getMap()
 MapBean RotTool.getMapBean()
 MapBean MapPanel.getMapBean()
          Get the MapBean used for the MapPanel.
 MapBean BasicMapPanel.getMapBean()
          MapPanel method.
 MapBean OverviewMapHandler.getSourceMap()
          Get the map that the overview map is listening to.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type MapBean
 void OverviewMapHandler.addControlledMap(MapBean l)
          Add a controlled MapBean to the OverviewMapHandler.
protected  void OverlayMapPanel.addMapBeanToPanel(MapBean map)
          Calls layoutPanel(MapBean), which configures the panel.
protected  void DockMapPanel.addMapBeanToPanel(MapBean map)
protected  void BasicMapPanel.addMapBeanToPanel(MapBean map)
          Position the map bean in this panel according to the layout manger.
protected  void OverlayMapPanel.layoutPanel(MapBean map)
          New method added, called from addMapBeanToPanel(MapBean).
 void OverviewMapHandler.removeControlledMap(MapBean l)
          Remove a controlled MapBean from the OverviewMapHandler.
 void ScaleTextPanel.removeFromAllListeners(MapBean mapBean)
          This function removes the mapBean object from its set of Listeners.
 void OMToolSet.removeFromAllListeners(MapBean aMapBean)
          This function removes the mapBean object from its set of Listeners.
protected  void OverlayMapPanel.setBorders(MapBean map, javax.swing.JPanel widgets)
          If you want different borders or color them differently, override this method.
 void StatusLightPanel.setMap(MapBean map)
 void OverviewMapHandler.setMap(MapBean map)
          Set the overview MapBean.
 void GoToMenu.setMap(MapBean mb)
          Set the map to control.
 void RotTool.setMapBean(MapBean mb)
 void BasicMapPanel.setMapBean(MapBean bean)
          Set the map bean used in this map panel, replace the map bean in the MapHandler if there isn't already one, or if the policy allows replacement.
 void OverviewMapHandler.setSourceMap(MapBean srcMap)
          Sets the sourceMap associated with this OverviewMap.
 void ScaleTextPanel.setupListeners(MapBean aMap)
          Convenience function to set up listeners of the components.
 void OMToolSet.setupListeners(MapBean aMapBean)
          Convenience function to set up listeners of the components.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type MapBean
OverviewMapHandler(MapBean srcMap, java.lang.String prefix, java.util.Properties props)
          Create an OverviewMapHandler for given MapBean.

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.gui.event

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.gui.event declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.event that return MapBean
 MapBean EventListPresenter.getMap()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.event with parameters of type MapBean
 void EventListPresenter.setMap(MapBean map)

Uses of MapBean in

Fields in declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean
protected  MapBean MapBeanPrinterMenuItem.mapBean

Methods in that return MapBean
 MapBean BackgroundColorMenuItem.getMap()
 MapBean MapBeanPrinterMenuItem.getMapBean()

Methods in with parameters of type MapBean
 void BackgroundColorMenuItem.setMap(MapBean mapbean)
 void MapBeanPrinterMenuItem.setMapBean(MapBean mb)
 void ProjectionMenu.setupListeners(MapBean map)
          Convenience function for setting up listeners
 void ProjectionMenu.undoListeners(MapBean map)
          Convenience function for undoing set up listeners

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.image

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.image declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean MagicPlanetImageComponent.mapBean

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image that return MapBean
protected  MapBean MagicPlanetImageComponent.getMapBean()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.image with parameters of type MapBean
 byte[] ImageFormatter.getImageFromMapBean(MapBean map)
          Take a MapBean, and get the image bytes that represent the current state.
 byte[] AbstractImageFormatter.getImageFromMapBean(MapBean map)
          Take a MapBean, and get the image bytes that represent the current state.
 byte[] AbstractImageFormatter.getImageFromMapBean(MapBean map, int width, int height)
          Take a MapBean, and get the image bytes that represent the current state.
 byte[] AbstractImageFormatter.getImageFromMapBean(MapBean map, int width, int height, boolean scaleImage)
          Take a MapBean, and get the image bytes that represent the current state.
static void MapBeanPrinter.printMap(MapBean mapBean)
protected  void MagicPlanetImageComponent.setMapBean(MapBean mb)
          Set the MapBean, become a PropertyChangeListener object to it to know when the background color on the MapBean changes.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.image with parameters of type MapBean
MapBeanPrinter(MapBean mapBean)

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Subclasses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.layer
 class BufferedLayer.BLMapBean
          An simple extension of the BufferedMapBean that calls a layer, presumably its parent, to call repaint().

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer that return MapBean
 MapBean BufferedLayer.getMapBean()
          Get the current MapBean used in the BufferedLayer.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer with parameters of type MapBean
 void BufferedLayer.setMapBean(MapBean mb)
          You can change what kind of MapBean is used to hold onto the layers.

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean ImageTileLayer.mapBean
          MapBean is used to reset the projection of the map over the selected images.

Uses of MapBean in com.bbn.openmap.proj

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.proj declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean ProjectionStack.mapBean

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj that return MapBean
 MapBean ProjectionStack.getMapBean()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj with parameters of type MapBean
 void ProjectionStack.setMapBean(MapBean map)

Uses of MapBean in

Fields in declared as MapBean
protected  MapBean
          The MapBean.

Methods in that return MapBean
 MapBean DropListenerSupport.getMap()
          Get the associated MapBean.

Methods in with parameters of type MapBean
 void DropListenerSupport.setMap(MapBean mapbean)
          Set the associated MapBean.

Constructors in with parameters of type MapBean
DropListenerSupport(MapBean map)
          Construct a DropListenerSupport with an associated MapBean.

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