Uses of Class

Packages that use LatLonPoint
com.bbn.openmap.gui This package contains the main OpenMap Swing GUI components. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight Provides an OpenMap layer that displays day/night shading. Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape Provides an OpenMap layer for dealing with shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain This package contains the TerrainLayer, which lets you run LOS and path elevation profile queries over the map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin Provides support for writing OpenMap PlugIns. 
com.bbn.openmap.proj Provides projection classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords Provides classes to determine routes given a set of roads and intersections. The tools/terrain package is for components that provide services dealing with terrain (elevation) data. 

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile that return LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint MapTileMaker.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom)
 LatLonPoint TMSMapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint OSMMapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MapTileMaker.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.mapTile with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  int[] TileGrabber.Builder.getTileBoundsForProjection(LatLonPoint ul, LatLonPoint lr, int z)
 LatLonPoint TMSMapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint OSMMapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MapTileMaker.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MapTileCoordinateTransform.tileUVToLatLon(java.awt.geom.Point2D tileUV, int zoom, LatLonPoint ret)

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.gui

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui that return LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint UTMCoordPanel.getLatLon()
 LatLonPoint MGRSCoordPanel.getLatLon()
 LatLonPoint DMSCoordPanel.getLatLon()
 LatLonPoint CoordPanel.getLatLon()
 LatLonPoint CombinedCoordPanel.getLatLon()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  int EmbeddedScaleDisplayPanel.getPtAtDistanceFromLatLon(LatLonPoint loc2, double unitDist, Projection projection, Length uom)
 void UTMCoordPanel.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Sets the contents of the latitude and longitude entry boxes
 void MGRSCoordPanel.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Sets the contents of the latitude and longitude entry boxes
 void DMSCoordPanel.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Sets the contents of the latitude and longitude entry boxes
 void CoordPanel.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Sets the contents of the latitude and longitude entry boxes.
 void CombinedCoordPanel.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Sets the contents of the latitude and longitude entry boxes in CoordPanel.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox with parameters of type LatLonPoint
 SimpleBeanContainer SimpleBeanBox.findEnclosingContainer(LatLonPoint llp)
          returns a SimpleBeanContainer bean that contains the specified LatLonPoint on the map.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight that return LatLonPoint
static LatLonPoint SunPosition.moonPosition(long mssue)
          Given the number of milliseconds since the unix epoch, compute position on the earth (lat, lon) such that moon is directly overhead.
static LatLonPoint SunPosition.sunPosition(long mssue)
          Given the number of milliseconds since the unix epoch, compute position on the earth (lat, lon) such that sun is directly overhead.

Uses of LatLonPoint in

Fields in declared as LatLonPoint
protected  LatLonPoint
          The latitude/longitude of the center of the map.

Methods in that return LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint LinkMapRequest.getCenter()
          Get the center of the map.
 LatLonPoint[] LinkBoundingPoly.getLatLonPoints()
          Convert the points to Lat/Lon points.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape with parameters of type LatLonPoint
 Route MultiRoadLayer.getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start, LatLonPoint end)

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain with type parameters of type LatLonPoint
 java.util.Vector<LatLonPoint> ProfileGenerator.coords
          Array of LatLonPoints.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  double LOSGenerator.calculateLOSslope(LatLonPoint cord, double arc_dist)
          CalculateLOSslope figures out the slope from the pixel to the center, in radians.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type LatLonPoint
 void VPFLayerGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon)
 void VPFLayerDCWWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon)
 void VPFGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable c, AreaTable a, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> l, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct an area feature.
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createArea(CoverageTable covtable, AreaTable areatable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> facevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Create an OMPoly for an area described by the facevec.
static OMPoly LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.createAreaOMPoly(java.util.List<CoordFloatString> ipts, int totalSize, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, boolean doAntarcticaWorkaround)
          create a filled polygon
 void VPFLayerGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords)
 void VPFLayerDCWWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable covtable, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords)
 void VPFGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable e, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> l, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords)
          Method called by the VPF reader code to construct an edge feature.
 OMGraphic VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
 OMGraphic VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.createEdge(CoverageTable c, EdgeTable edgetable, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edgevec, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, CoordFloatString coords, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
static OMPoly LayerGraphicWarehouseSupport.createEdgeOMPoly(CoordFloatString coords, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon)
          Create an OMPoly corresponding to a VPF edge feature
 OMGraphic TextTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> text, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the TextTable.
abstract  OMGraphic PrimitiveTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> area, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the AreaTable.
 OMGraphic NodeTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> node, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in a NodeTable.
 OMGraphic EdgeTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> edge, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from the edge feature, if you already have the line from the edgetable.
 OMGraphic AreaTable.drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, java.util.List<java.lang.Object> area, java.lang.String featureType, int primID)
          Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the AreaTable.
 void LibrarySelectionTable.drawFeatures(int scale, int screenwidth, int screenheight, java.lang.String covname, VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
 boolean CoverageTable.drawFeatures(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, float dpplat, float dpplon)
          This function uses the warehouse to get a list of features, and then looks in the featureList to see what feature tables handle those features.
protected  boolean CoverageTable.drawFeaturesFromThematicIndex(FeatureClassInfo fci, VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.TableHolder tables, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, float dpplat, float dpplon, java.lang.String currentFeature, char featureType)
          This function gets the thematic index from the FeatureClassInfo object, and uses it to look up the tiles that contain the currentFeature.
 void LibrarySelectionTable.drawTile(int scale, int screenwidth, int screenheight, java.lang.String covname, VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
 void CoverageTable.drawTile(TileDirectory drawtd, VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, float dpplat, float dpplon)
          Given a tile directory, go through the entries in the edg/fac/txt files, and send those entries to the warehouse.
 void TextTable.drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
          Parse the text records for this tile, calling warehouse.createText once for each record in the selection region.
abstract  void PrimitiveTable.drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
          Parse the records for this tile, calling warehouse.createXXXX once for each record.
 void NodeTable.drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
          Parse the node records for this tile, calling warehouse.createNode once for each record in the selection region.
 void EdgeTable.drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
          Parse the edge records for this tile, calling warehouse.createEdge once for each record.
 void AreaTable.drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2)
          Parse the area records for this tile, calling warehouse.createArea once for each record.
 OMGraphicList VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse.getFeatures(LibrarySelectionTable lst, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, Projection proj, OMGraphicList omgList)
          This is where the magic happens.
 void CoverageTable.getFeatures(VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse warehouse, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, double dpplat, double dpplon, OMGraphicList omgList)
          This is a method specifically designed for the VPFAutoFeatureGraphicWarehouse, and the CoverageTable knows to check with the warehouse and use the PriorityHolders to fetch features.
 Route VPFRoadLayer.getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start, LatLonPoint end)

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that return LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint OMArc.getLatLon()
          Get the center LatLonPoint.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  java.util.ArrayList<float[]> OMArc.getCoordLists(GeoProj proj, LatLonPoint center, double radius, int nverts)
          An internal method designed to fetch the ArrayList for LATLON OMArcs.
protected  java.util.ArrayList<float[]> OMCircle.getCoordLists(GeoProj proj, LatLonPoint center, float radius, int nverts)
          An internal method designed to fetch the ArrayList for LATLON OMCircles.
 void OMEllipse.setCenter(LatLonPoint llp)
 void OMArc.setCenter(LatLonPoint p)
          Set the latitude and longitude of the center point.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type LatLonPoint
OMArc(LatLonPoint center, double radius, Length units, int nverts, double s, double e)
          Create an OMArc with a lat/lon center and a physical distance radius.
OMCircle(LatLonPoint center, double radius, Length units, int nverts)
          Create an OMCircle with a lat/lon center and a physical distance radius.
OMEllipse(LatLonPoint centerPoint, double majorAxisSpan, double minorAxisSpan, Length units, double rotateAngle)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a lat-lon center and a lat-lon axis.
OMEllipse(LatLonPoint centerPoint, int w, int h, double rotateAngle)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a lat-lon center and x-y axis.
OMEllipse(LatLonPoint centerPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, double rotateAngle)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned at a Lat-lon location, x-y offset, x-y axis.
OMRangeRings(LatLonPoint center, double radius, Length units, int nverts)
          Create an OMRangeRings with a lat/lon center and a physical distance radius.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.plugin

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  void UTMGridPlugIn.addLabel(LatLonPoint llp, UTMPoint utm, QuadTree<OMText> labelTree)
protected  OMGeometryList UTMGridPlugIn.createMGRSRectangles(LatLonPoint llp, int accuracy, int numRects)
          Create a list of rectangles representing equal areas of MGRS coordinates around a lat/lon location.
protected  OMGeometryList UTMGridPlugIn.createMGRSRectangles(LatLonPoint llp, int accuracy, int numRects, Ellipsoid ellipsoid)
          Create a list of rectangles representing equal areas of MGRS coordinates around a lat/lon location.

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.proj

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj that return LatLonPoint
protected  LatLonPoint GeoProj.assertLatLonPoint(java.awt.geom.Point2D p2d)
          Returns the Point2D provided if it is a LatLonPoint, otherwise it creates a LatLonPoint.Double and transfers the values from the provided Point2D object.
static LatLonPoint RhumbCalculator.calculatePointOnRhumbLine(LatLonPoint point, double azimuth, double dist)
          This method allows public location point on the Rhumb Line, znajc Location reference point, the azimuth and Distance.
 LatLonPoint BasicProjectionLoader.convertToLLP(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt)
 LatLonPoint GeoProj.getCenter()
          Get center point of projection.
 LatLonPoint UTMProjection.getLowerRight()
 LatLonPoint Orthographic.getLowerRight()
          Get the lower right (southeast) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint LambertConformal.getLowerRight()
          Get the lower right (southeast) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint Gnomonic.getLowerRight()
          Get the lower right (southeast) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint DatumShiftProjection.getLowerRight()
 LatLonPoint Cylindrical.getLowerRight()
          Get the lower right (southeast) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint UTMProjection.getUpperLeft()
 LatLonPoint Orthographic.getUpperLeft()
          Get the upper left (northernmost and westernmost) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint LambertConformal.getUpperLeft()
          Get the upper left (northwest) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint Gnomonic.getUpperLeft()
          Get the upper left (northernmost and westernmost) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint DatumShiftProjection.getUpperLeft()
 LatLonPoint Cylindrical.getUpperLeft()
          Get the upper left (northwest) point of the projection.
 LatLonPoint GeoProj.inverse(double x, double y)
          Inverse project x,y coordinates.
 LatLonPoint DatumShiftProjection.inverse(double x, double y, java.awt.geom.Point2D pt)
 LatLonPoint GeoProj.inverse(java.awt.geom.Point2D point)
          Inverse project a Point from x,y space to LatLon space.
static LatLonPoint GreatCircle.pointAtDistanceBetweenPoints(double phi1, double lambda0, double phi, double lambda, double distance, int n)
          Return a point that is approximately a certain distance along the great circle line between two points.
static LatLonPoint GreatCircle.sphericalBetween(double phi1, double lambda0, double c, double Az)
          Calculate point at azimuth and distance from another point, with double precision.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj with parameters of type LatLonPoint
static LatLonPoint RhumbCalculator.calculatePointOnRhumbLine(LatLonPoint point, double azimuth, double dist)
          This method allows public location point on the Rhumb Line, znajc Location reference point, the azimuth and Distance.
 java.awt.geom.Point2D UTMProjection.forward(LatLonPoint llp, java.awt.geom.Point2D pt)
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardArc(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius, double start, double extent)
          Forward project an arc.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardArc(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius, int nverts, double start, double extent)
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardArc(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius, int nverts, double start, double extent, int arcType)
          Forward project a Lat/Lon Arc.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardCircle(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius)
          Forward project a circle.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardCircle(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius, int nverts)
          Forward project a Lat/Lon Circle.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardCircle(LatLonPoint c, boolean radians, double radius, int nverts, boolean isFilled)
          Forward project a Lat/Lon Circle.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardLine(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, int ltype)
          Forward project a lat/lon Line.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardLine(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, int ltype, int nsegs)
          Forward project a LatLon Line.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardRect(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, int ltype)
          Forward project a lat/lon Rectangle.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardRect(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, int ltype, int nsegs)
          Forward project a lat/lon Rectangle.
 java.util.ArrayList<float[]> GeoProj.forwardRect(LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, int ltype, int nsegs, boolean isFilled)
          Forward project a rectangle defined by an upper left point and a lower right point.
static double RhumbCalculator.getAzimuthBetweenPoints(LatLonPoint p1, LatLonPoint p2)
          This method allows you to calculate the azimuth between the points.
static double RhumbCalculator.getDistanceBetweenPoints(LatLonPoint p1, LatLonPoint p2)
 boolean LambertConformal.isPlotable(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Determine if the location is plotable

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.proj with parameters of type LatLonPoint
Azimuth(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct an azimuthal projection.
CADRG(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a CADRG projection.
Cylindrical(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a cylindrical projection.
GeoProj(LatLonPoint center, float s, int w, int h)
Gnomonic(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a Mercator projection.
LambertConformal(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a Lambert projection.
LambertConformal(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height, double centralMeridian, double sp_one, double sp_two, double reference_latitude, double falseEasting, double falseNorthing, Ellipsoid ellps)
          Constructor for the lambert conformal projection.
LambertConformal(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height, float centralMeridian, float sp_one, float sp_two, Ellipsoid ellps)
          Constructor for the lambert conformal projection.
LLXY(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a LLXY projection.
Mercator(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct a Mercator projection.
Orthographic(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height)
          Construct an Orthographic projection.
UTMProjection(LatLonPoint center, float s, int w, int h, int zone_number, boolean isnorthern, Ellipsoid ellps)

Uses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords

Subclasses of LatLonPoint in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords
static class LatLonPoint.Double
          Double precision version of LatLonPoint.
static class LatLonPoint.Float
          The Float version of a LatLonPoint, where coordinates are held to float precision.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords declared as LatLonPoint
protected  LatLonPoint UTMGCT.tmpLL

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords that return LatLonPoint
static LatLonPoint LatLonPoint.getDouble(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt2D)
          Factory method that will create a LatLonPoint.Double from a Point2D object.
static LatLonPoint LatLonPoint.getFloat(java.awt.geom.Point2D pt2D)
          Factory method that will create a LatLonPoint.Float from a Point2D object.
 LatLonPoint ECEFPoint.getLatLon()
          Return a LatLonPoint in WGS 84
 LatLonPoint ECEFPoint.getLatLon(LatLonPoint instance)
          Return a LatLonPoint in WGS 84
 LatLonPoint DMSLatLonPoint.getLatLonPoint()
          Return a LatLonPoint from this DMSLatLonPoint.
 LatLonPoint DMSLatLonPoint.getLatLonPoint(LatLonPoint llp)
          Return a LatLonPoint from this DMSLatLonPoint.
 LatLonPoint LatLonPoint.getPoint(double distance, double azimuth)
          Get a new LatLonPoint a distance and azimuth from another point, based on the spherical earth model.
 LatLonPoint LatLonPoint.Double.getPoint(double dist, double az)
          Find a LatLonPoint a distance and direction away from this point, based on the spherical earth model.
 LatLonPoint LatLonPoint.Float.getPoint(float dist, float az)
          Find a LatLonPoint a distance and direction away from this point, based on the spherical earth model.
 LatLonPoint VHTransform.inverse(double v, double h)
 LatLonPoint LatLonGCT.inverse(double x, double y)
 LatLonPoint GeoCoordTransformation.inverse(double x, double y)
 LatLonPoint CoordinateReferenceSystem.inverse(double x, double y)
          Convert the given (projected) coordinate in the CRS to a LatLonPoint without respect for axis order.
 LatLonPoint AbstractGCT.inverse(double x, double y)
 LatLonPoint CoordinateReferenceSystem.inverse(double x, double y, boolean useAxisOrder)
          Convert the given (projected) coordinate in the CRS to a LatLonPoint.
 LatLonPoint VHTransform.inverse(double v, double h, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint UTMGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MultiGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
abstract  LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.OSM.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.TMS.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorMeterGCT.inverse(double lon_m, double lat_m, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint LatLonGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint LambertConformalGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint GeoCoordTransformation.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint DatumShiftGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
          Convert from a latlon in the Ellipsoid of this instance to wgs84
abstract  LatLonPoint AbstractGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
static LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.MGRStoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double northing, double easting, int zoneNumber, char zoneLetter, LatLonPoint llp)
          Create a LatLonPoint from a MGRSPoint.
static LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.MGRStoLL(MGRSPoint mgrsp, Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llp)
          Create a LatLonPoint from a MGRSPoint.
 LatLonPoint UTMPoint.toLatLonPoint()
          Convert this UTMPoint to a LatLonPoint, and assume a WGS_84 ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.toLatLonPoint()
          Convert this MGRSPoint to a LatLonPoint, and assume a WGS_84 ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint UPSPoint.toLatLonPoint(boolean southernHemisphere)
          Convert a UPSPoint to a LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint UTMPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip)
          Convert this UTMPoint to a LatLonPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip)
          Convert this MGRSPoint to a LatLonPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint UTMPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Fill in the given LatLonPoint with the converted values of this UTMPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Fill in the given LatLonPoint with the converted values of this MGRSPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int ZoneNumber, boolean isNorthern, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int zoneNumber, char zoneLetter, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, java.lang.String UTMZone, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(UTMPoint utm_point, Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid given an instance of UTMPoint.
static LatLonPoint ZonedUTMPoint.ZonedUTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int ZoneNumber, char ZoneLetter, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords with parameters of type LatLonPoint
 double LatLonPoint.azimuth(LatLonPoint toPoint)
          Find the azimuth to another point, based on the spherical earth model.
 double LatLonPoint.distance(LatLonPoint toPoint)
          Find the distance to another LatLonPoint, based on a earth spherical model.
 LatLonPoint ECEFPoint.getLatLon(LatLonPoint instance)
          Return a LatLonPoint in WGS 84
 LatLonPoint DMSLatLonPoint.getLatLonPoint(LatLonPoint llp)
          Return a LatLonPoint from this DMSLatLonPoint.
 LatLonPoint VHTransform.inverse(double v, double h, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint UTMGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MultiGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
abstract  LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.OSM.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorUVGCT.TMS.inverse(double uvx, double uvy, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint MercatorMeterGCT.inverse(double lon_m, double lat_m, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint LatLonGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint LambertConformalGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint GeoCoordTransformation.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
 LatLonPoint DatumShiftGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
          Convert from a latlon in the Ellipsoid of this instance to wgs84
abstract  LatLonPoint AbstractGCT.inverse(double x, double y, LatLonPoint ret)
static ECEFPoint ECEFPoint.LLtoECEF(LatLonPoint llpoint)
static ECEFPoint ECEFPoint.LLtoECEF(LatLonPoint llpoint, ECEFPoint ecef)
static MGRSPoint MGRSPoint.LLtoMGRS(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts a LatLonPoint to a MGRS Point, assuming the WGS_84 ellipsoid.
static MGRSPoint MGRSPoint.LLtoMGRS(LatLonPoint llp, Ellipsoid ellip, MGRSPoint mgrsp)
          Create a MGRSPoint from a LatLonPoint.
static MGRSPoint MGRSPoint.LLtoMGRS(LatLonPoint llpoint, MGRSPoint mgrsp)
          Converts a LatLonPoint to a MGRS Point.
static UTMPoint UTMPoint.LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts a LatLonPoint to a UTM Point, assuming the WGS_84 ellipsoid.
static UTMPoint UTMPoint.LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid ellip, UTMPoint utmpoint)
          Converts a set of Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates to UTM given an ellipsoid
static UTMPoint UTMPoint.LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid ellip, UTMPoint utmPoint, int zoneNumber, boolean isNorthern)
          Converts a set of Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates to UTM given an ellipsoid and the UTM zone to use.
static UTMPoint UTMPoint.LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint, UTMPoint utmpoint)
          Converts a LatLonPoint to a UTM Point.
static LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.MGRStoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double northing, double easting, int zoneNumber, char zoneLetter, LatLonPoint llp)
          Create a LatLonPoint from a MGRSPoint.
static LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.MGRStoLL(MGRSPoint mgrsp, Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llp)
          Create a LatLonPoint from a MGRSPoint.
 void LatLonPoint.setLatLon(LatLonPoint llp)
          Set location values from another lat/lon point.
 void ECEFPoint.setLatLon(LatLonPoint pt)
          Set an ECEFPoint from a LatLonPoint
 double[] NedFrame.toGeocentricFrame(LatLonPoint llpt)
          Convert to a geocentric frame using a LatLonPoint.
 double[] EnuFrame.toGeocentricFrame(LatLonPoint llpt)
          Convert to geocentric frame using a LatLonPoint.
 LatLonPoint UTMPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Fill in the given LatLonPoint with the converted values of this UTMPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
 LatLonPoint MGRSPoint.toLatLonPoint(Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Fill in the given LatLonPoint with the converted values of this MGRSPoint, and use the given ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int ZoneNumber, boolean isNorthern, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int zoneNumber, char zoneLetter, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, java.lang.String UTMZone, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.
static LatLonPoint UTMPoint.UTMtoLL(UTMPoint utm_point, Ellipsoid ellip, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid given an instance of UTMPoint.
static LatLonPoint ZonedUTMPoint.ZonedUTMtoLL(Ellipsoid ellip, double UTMNorthing, double UTMEasting, int ZoneNumber, char ZoneLetter, LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Converts UTM coords to lat/long given an ellipsoid.

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords with parameters of type LatLonPoint
DMSLatLonPoint(LatLonPoint llp)
          Constructs a new DMSLatLonPoint given a LatLonPoint instance
EnuFrame(double[] ecefv, LatLonPoint llpt)
          Construct a EnuFrame from a ECEF vector and a LatLonPoint.
LatLonPoint.Double(LatLonPoint llp)
          Create Double version from another LatLonPoint.
LatLonPoint.Float(LatLonPoint llp)
          Create Float version from another LatLonPoint.
MGRSPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Construct a MGRSPoint from a LatLonPoint, assuming a WGS_84 ellipsoid.
MGRSPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid ellip)
          Construct a MGRSPoint from a LatLonPoint and a particular ellipsoid.
NedFrame(double[] ecefVector, LatLonPoint llpt)
          Construct a NedFrame from a ECEF vector and a LatLonPoint.
UPSPoint(LatLonPoint llpt)
          Constructor for the UPSPoint object
UTMPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Construct a UTMPoint from a LatLonPoint, assuming a WGS_84 ellipsoid.
UTMPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid ellip)
          Construct a UTMPoint from a LatLonPoint and a particular ellipsoid.
ZonedUTMPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint)
          Constructor pass-through.
ZonedUTMPoint(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid ellip)
          Constructor pass-through.

Uses of LatLonPoint in

Fields in declared as LatLonPoint
protected  LatLonPoint Waypoint.location
          The location of this waypoint.

Methods in that return LatLonPoint
protected  LatLonPoint RoadFinder.createLatLonPoint(int x, int y)
 LatLonPoint Waypoint.getLocation()
          Get the location of this Waypoint.
 LatLonPoint Road.getLocationAtKilometer(double kilometers)
 LatLonPoint Route.location(long time)

Methods in with parameters of type LatLonPoint
protected  Intersection RoadFinder.findClosestIntersection(LatLonPoint latLon)
          Look in intersection Quad Tree for closest intersection to point at specified latitude and longitude.
protected  Intersection RoadFinder.findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc)
protected  Intersection RoadFinder.findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc, java.lang.String name)
static java.lang.String Intersection.getLatLonPointName(LatLonPoint loc)
 Route RoadServices.getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start, LatLonPoint end)
          Returns the best Route between a start point and end point.
 Route RoadFinder.getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start, LatLonPoint end)
          Returns best Route between two points specified by latitude and longitude.
 void Waypoint.setLocation(LatLonPoint loc)
          Set the location of this Waypoint.

Constructors in with parameters of type LatLonPoint
Intersection(LatLonPoint loc, RoadLayer layer)
          Create an Intersection at a given location.
Intersection(LatLonPoint loc, java.lang.String name, RoadLayer layer)
RoadPoint(Road road, LatLonPoint loc, RoadLayer layer)
Waypoint(LatLonPoint loc, RoadLayer layer)
          create a Waypoint at a given location.

Uses of LatLonPoint in

Methods in with parameters of type LatLonPoint
 double LOSGenerator.calculateLOSSlope(LatLonPoint startLLP, int startTotalHeight, LatLonPoint endLLP, int endObjHeight)
          CalculateLOSslope figures out the slope from one point to another.
 boolean LOSGenerator.isLOS(LatLonPoint startLLP, int startObjHeight, boolean addStartElevation, LatLonPoint endLLP, int endObjHeight, int numPoints)
          Check to see if two points are within line of sight of each other, taking into account their elevations above Mean Sea Level as retrieved by a DTED database, and any other addition height of each object.

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