Uses of Interface

Packages that use MapMouseListener
com.bbn.openmap The com.bbn.openmap package contains the core OpenMap classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.event Provides the various event object and listener interfaces for using the MapBean. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap The netmap plugin package provides the capability to receive output from a NetMap server. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer Contains OpenMap layers that read and display a variety of data formats, and a few that create their own data for display. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor This package provides the infrastructure to create layers that provide a Tool interface that controls their content. Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. This package contains a Layer that can use the drawing tool to create certain OMGraphic shapes, which in turn are sent to a LinkServer.   
com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer Provide a demo layer for displaying non-geographic data over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain This package contains the TerrainLayer, which lets you run LOS and path elevation profile queries over the map. 
com.bbn.openmap.layer.test Provides a test layer for OpenMap. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.editable Provides classes to implement editable graphics. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event Provides classes for event notification of OMGraphic changes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled Provides a simple extension to the OMGraphics, where a text string can be attached to a graphic object. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin Provides support for writing OpenMap PlugIns. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage This package contains a plugin that can read in an image, assumed to be in the Mercator projection and covering the entire Earth, and warp it to any OpenMap projection. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri A PlugIn package that handles ESRI shape files. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader The GraphicLoader PlugIn package is designed to provide support for GraphicLoaders, which in turn are objects that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis This package contains a plugin that can fetch images from a com.bbn.openmap.image.SimpleHttpImageServer. 
com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms This package contains a plugin that can contact, retrieve and display the image received from an OpenGIS Web Map Server (WMS). 
com.bbn.openmap.util.stateMachine Provides a basic finite-state-machine implementation. 

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap

Methods in com.bbn.openmap that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener Layer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener object that handles the mouse events.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.event

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.event that implement MapMouseListener
 class MapMouseAdapter
          Basic implementation of the MapMouseListener interface provided as a convenience.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.event declared as MapMouseListener
protected  MapMouseListener MapMouseSupport.priorityListener
          The priority MapMouseListener will be guaranteed to receive events that go hand in hand (pressed - released, etc.).

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.event with parameters of type MapMouseListener
 void NullMouseMode.addMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mml)
 void MapMouseMode.addMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener l)
          Add a MapMouseListener to the MouseMode.
 void AbstractMouseMode.addMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener l)
          Add a MapMouseListener to the MouseMode.
 void NullMouseMode.removeMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mml)
 void MapMouseMode.removeMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener l)
          Remove a MapMouseListener from the MouseMode.
 void AbstractMouseMode.removeMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener l)
          Remove a MapMouseListener from the MouseMode.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader that implement MapMouseListener
 class LOSGraphicLoader
          A managing object of GLPoints and PathGLPoints.
 class MMLGraphicLoader
          The MMLGraphicLoader is an abstract GraphicLoader class that implements the MapMouseListener interface.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap that implement MapMouseListener
 class NetMapGraphicLoader
          The NetMapGraphicLoader is a component that can listen to a NetMapConnector, receive and interpret NetMapEvents, and draw the resulting network on the map.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time that implement MapMouseListener
 class TimelineLayer
          Timeline layer Render events and allow for their selection on a variable-scale time line.
 class TimeSliderLayer
          Timeline layer Render events and allow for their selection on a variable-scale timeline

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener TimeSliderLayer.getMapMouseListener()
 MapMouseListener TimelineLayer.getMapMouseListener()

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer that implement MapMouseListener
 class CacheLayer
          A Layer that gets it's graphics from a URL containing a serialized OMGraphicList.
 class DateLayer
          Layer that displays date and time.
 class EarthquakeLayer
          Get data about recent earthquakes from the USGS finger sites and display it.
 class LabelLayer
          Layer that displays a label.
 class ScaleFilterLayer
          An OpenMap Layer that encapsulates other layers and acts as a scale filter.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.layer declared as MapMouseListener
protected  MapMouseListener ScaleFilterLayer.clmml
          The current MapMouseListener from the currently appropriate layer.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener ScaleFilterLayer.getCurrentLayerMapMouseListener()
          Get the MapMouseListener to received events if the current layer wants them.
 MapMouseListener ScaleFilterLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Try to handle mouse events for the current layer.
 MapMouseListener OMGraphicHandlerLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Query asked from the MouseDelegator for interest in receiving MapMouseEvents.
 MapMouseListener LabelLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener object that handles the mouse events.
 MapMouseListener EarthquakeLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener object that handles the mouse events.
 MapMouseListener CacheLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns self as the MapMouseListener in order to receive MapMouseEvents.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer with parameters of type MapMouseListener
 void ScaleFilterLayer.setCurrentLayerMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mml)
          Pre-set the MapMouseListener to received events if the current layer wants them.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox that implement MapMouseListener
 class SimpleBeanBox
          SimpleBeanBox is a sample implementation of the BeanBoxclass.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener SimpleBeanLayer.getMapMouseListener()

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor

Subinterfaces of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor
 interface EditorTool
          An EditorTool is a component that provides specific functionality to the EditorLayer.

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor that implement MapMouseListener
 class AbstractEditorTool
 class DrawingEditorTool
          The DrawingEditorTool is a EditorTool for the EditorLayer that will use a custom OMDrawingTool to create OMGraphics as needed by the EditorTool.

Uses of MapMouseListener in

Classes in that implement MapMouseListener
 class BufferedLinkLayer
          The BufferedLinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.
 class LinkLayer
          The LinkLayer is a Swing component, and an OpenMap layer, that communicates with a server via the Link protocol.

Methods in that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener LinkLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Return the MapMouseListener for the layer.

Uses of MapMouseListener in

Classes in that implement MapMouseListener
 class AmpLinkLayer
          The AmpLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Uses of MapMouseListener in

Classes in that implement MapMouseListener
 class DrawLinkLayer
          The DrawLinkLayer is an extension to the LinkLayer.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer that implement MapMouseListener
 class PlotLayer

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.plotLayer that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener PlotLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns self as the MapMouseListener in order to receive MapMouseEvents.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain that implement MapMouseListener
 class TerrainLayer
          The Terrain Layer is an example of creating a layer that acts as a tool that defines and area (via user gestures) and presents a result of the analysis of the data.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener TerrainLayer.getMapMouseListener()

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test that implement MapMouseListener
 class TestLayer
          A Layer for testing different types of graphics.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.test that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener TestLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns self as the MapMouseListener in order to receive MapMouseEvents.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics that implement MapMouseListener
 class EditableOMAbstractLine
          The EditableOMAbstractLine encompasses an OMAbstractLine, providing a mechanism for adding an arrowhead menu in the line editor menu.
 class EditableOMCircle
          The EditableOMCircle encompasses an OMCircle, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMDecoratedSpline
 class EditableOMDistance
          The EditableOMDistance encompasses an OMDistance, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMGraphic
          The EditableOMGraphic is a shell that controls actions to edit or create a graphic.
 class EditableOMGraphicList
          An EditableOMGraphic list encapsulates an OMGraphicList to move the editable ones around when they are selected as a group.
 class EditableOMLine
          The EditableOMLine encompasses an OMLine, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMPoint
          An EditableOMGraphic that encapsulates an OMPoint.
 class EditableOMPoly
          The EditableOMPoly encompasses an OMPoly, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMRangeRings
 class EditableOMRect
          The EditableOMRect encompasses an OMRect, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMScalingRaster
          The EditableOMScalingRaster encompasses an OMScalingRaster, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableOMSpline
 class EditableOMText
          Wrapper class to edit OMText objects.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.editable

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.editable that implement MapMouseListener
 class CircleSelectedState
 class CircleSetOffsetState
 class CircleUndefinedState
 class ClckOrDrgUndefinedState
          This is a new GraphicUndefinedState for OMGraphics that can handle being defined with click or press setting the initial point, and then a mouse move or drag, respectively, causing placement of the second point.
 class GraphicEditState
 class GraphicSelectedState
 class GraphicSetOffsetState
 class GraphicUndefinedEditState
          The GraphicUndefinedEditState is for a couple of OMGraphics that are still undefined when they are created after a first click.
 class GraphicUndefinedState
 class GraphicUnselectedState
 class LineSetOffsetState
 class LineUndefinedState
 class ListSelectedState
 class ListUnselectedState
 class PointEditState
 class PointSetOffsetState
 class PointUndefinedState
 class PolyAddNodeState
 class PolyAddPointState
 class PolyDeleteNodeState
 class PolySetOffsetState
 class PolyUndefinedState
 class RectSelectedState
 class RectSetOffsetState
 class RectUndefinedState
 class ScalingRasterSelectedState
 class ScalingRasterSetOffsetState
 class ScalingRasterUndefinedState
 class TextEditState
 class TextSetOffsetState
 class TextUndefinedState

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event

Subinterfaces of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event
 interface MapMouseInterpreter
          A MapMouseInterpreter is an extension of the MapMouseListener that has some understanding how MouseEvents on a Map relate to an OMGraphicList, and what kind of actions should be taken on the OMGraphics on a list.

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.event that implement MapMouseListener
 class DBLClickSelectMapMouseInterpreter
          The DBLClickSelectMapMouseInterpreter is an extension of the StandardMapMouseInterpreter that limits selection to map objects that have been double clicked on, instead of the single click used by default in the super class.
 class StandardMapMouseInterpreter
          The StandardMapMouseInterpreter is a basic implementation of the MapMouseInterpreter, working with an OMGraphicHandlerLayer to handle MouseEvents on it.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled that implement MapMouseListener
 class EditableLabeledOMPoly
          The EditableLabeledOMPoly encompasses an LabeledOMPoly, providing methods for modifying or creating it.
 class EditableLabeledOMSpline
          The EditableLabeledOMSpline encompasses an LabeledOMSpline, providing methods for modifying or creating it.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin that implement MapMouseListener
 class AbstractPlugIn
          This class is an abstract implementation of the PlugIn.
 class BeanContextAbstractPlugIn
          This class is an abstract implementation of the PlugIn.
 class CSVTiledImagePlugIn
          This PlugIn can be used to load image files for background use.
 class OMGraphicHandlerPlugIn
          A PlugIn that implements the OMGraphicHandler interface.
 class UTMGridPlugIn
          The UTMGridPlugIn renders UTM Zone areas, and renders a grid marking equal-distance areas around the center of the current projection.
 class WebImagePlugIn
          This class asks for an image from a web server.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.plugin declared as MapMouseListener
protected  MapMouseListener PlugInLayer.mml
          The MapMouseListener for the layer/plugin combo that knows how to respond to mouse events.
protected  MapMouseListener AbstractPlugIn.mml
          The object handling mouse events for the plugin.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin that return MapMouseListener
 MapMouseListener PlugInLayer.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener object that handles the mouse events.
 MapMouseListener PlugIn.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener that the plugin thinks should be used to handle its events, if asked.
 MapMouseListener AbstractPlugIn.getMapMouseListener()
          Returns the MapMouseListener that the plugin thinks should be used.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.plugin with parameters of type MapMouseListener
 void PlugInLayer.setMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mmlIn)
          Set the MapMouseListener for the layer.
 void PlugIn.setMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mml)
          Set the MapMouseListener for this PlugIn.
 void AbstractPlugIn.setMapMouseListener(MapMouseListener mml)
          Set the MapMouseListener for this PlugIn.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage that implement MapMouseListener
 class EarthImagePlugIn
          This class takes an image of the earth, and creates a background image from it that matches an OpenMap projection.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri that implement MapMouseListener
 class EsriPlugIn
          EsriPlugIn loads Esri shape file sets from web servers or local file systems, and it enables the creation of shape file sets.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader that implement MapMouseListener
 class GraphicLoaderPlugIn
          A GraphicLoaderPlugIn is a PlugIn that receives its OMGraphics from some other source, at any time.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis that implement MapMouseListener
 class SHISPlugIn
          This class asks for an image from a SimpleHttpImageServer.

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms that implement MapMouseListener
 class WMSPlugIn
          This class asks for an image from an OpenGIS compliant Web Map Server (WMS).

Uses of MapMouseListener in com.bbn.openmap.util.stateMachine

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.util.stateMachine that implement MapMouseListener
 class State
          The state is intended to be a abstract juncture in a pattern of events.

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